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Programs + Projects

The Nebinger PTA is proud to support various programs and projects that enrich the lives of the children and families of the Nebinger community.​

School Yard Clean-Ups

The PTA hosts seasonal yard clean-ups and plantings to keep our school looking great! Various garden areas along 6th and Carpenter, our renovated playground, and the innovative rain garden create a welcoming environment for our young learners. We welcome volunteers to our clean-ups! No tools needed.

Drama Club

Ms. Grace leads our fabulous drama club. In 2022, the students performed a Philly-themed take on Beauty and the Beast, The Shortie and the Boul. The play included a talking pretzel, an animated water ice, and Gritty as the beast. Our drama program offers original content, lots of laughs, and a chance for our talented students to shine on stage. Proudly funded by the PTA.

Free Community Events

Throughout the year we plan fun events for students and families like free movie nights and school yard festivals. These events build community and center Nebinger as a welcoming environment for students and their families. Throughout the pandemic, we all learned just how important social connections are. Join us for an upcoming event.

Field Trip Funding

We asked parents and students for feedback about what they want more of. "More field trips" came out on top! The PTA hears you! We have set aside dedicated funds to completely cover transportation costs for field trips every year, for every grade at Nebinger. School is fun, but field trips are awesome!

Science Olympiad, SeaPerch, and Robotics Club

Dr. D leads our award-winning Science Olympiad, SeaPerch (aquatic robotics) and Robotics club giving our Middle Schoolers a chance to put their STEM skills to work in a competitive way. (Our SeaPerch team came in 2nd in 2022 against schools in the tri-state area!) The PTA Is proud to support these programs and the future engineers and scientists of Nebinger.

Volunteer Library Support

We have a dedicated group of volunteers who run our school library. Along with the Friends of Nebinger, we routinely purchase new books and encourage volunteer support for our library. We believe every student should have access to a robust library at school. We also send our thanks to Queen Village Neighbors Association for their continued support of our library.

Back to School days
and Open Houses

We make sure that heading back to school is a joyful experience for kids and their families. We host annual Back to School events in the Fall, Summertime Kindergarten meet-ups, and uniform swaps. PTA board members also pitch in for Open Houses and school tours for prospective families throughout the school year. We love Nebinger and we want to share our love with incoming families.

Operation Warm Coat Drive
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In the Fall of 2022, the PTA invited Operation Warm to come to our school to distribute brand new winter jackets to every student at the school. With volunteer help from FiveBelow, Nebinger kids became a part of the 4 million+ students served by Operation Warm. It warms our hearts too! We hope to make this an annual event.

Playground Revitalization

In 2023 the Nebinger PTA along with the Nebinger SAC (Student Advisory Council) will be launching a playground revitalization project to make our playground more accessible for ALL students, with a special focus on making it awesome for our middle schoolers. As a K-8 school with a diverse student body, we want to make sure all ages can enjoy our lovely outdoor space. Learn More.

Teacher Supply Lottery

Each month we hold a lottery for the teachers at Nebinger to fund projects or classroom supplies. Teachers can use it to fund trips, books, project supplies, classroom furniture - basically anything they want to enrich their classroom environment at Nebinger. On the first Friday of every month, one Nebinger teacher is granted $200 to make their classroom awesome! All thanks to PTA donations.

Auditorium Improvements and Upgrades (Funded!)

The PTA raised funds to replace the audio/visual equipment in the auditorium and is currently in the process of replacing the dated curtains. We have extraordinary drama, dance and music programs at Nebinger. Our kids deserve a modern stage and auditorium to perform. (We also love watching movies on our new screen during free community movie nights!)

Lockers for 7th and 8th Grade

Lockers are a rite of passage for middle schoolers, but our older students didn't have a place to stash their stuff. With the help of a grant from the Queen Village Neigbhors Association (QVNA contributed nearly 25% of the required funds), we installed lockers. Community partnerships really help get us things done. Thanks to QVNA for their support of this project. 

Teacher Appreciation Events

We might be biased, but Nebinger has the BEST teachers in the district. The PTA plans teacher appreciation events and luncheons throughout the year to let our teachers now how much we value them. The PTA continually works with teachers and the administration to identify ares for further funding and development.

Graduation Celebrations
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Each year we are so proud of our 8th Grade graduates. The PTA sponsors events as the year winds down and our graduates get ready for their next big leap. 

School Event Support

During the PTA's first few years we launched the book fair, the holiday market, and our annual field day. The school took over the logistical planning these events so we could focus on fundraising and other events, but the PTA continues to support these events via food and supply donations, logistical support, and volunteer recruitment. It takes a village and we are grateful to have dedicated teachers that go the extra mile for our students.

We can't do it without your support!
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